Kolbe in the News

Over the years the Kolbe System™ has been written about, discussed and debated. It has been proven by the test of time.
Here are links to some past articles and what others have said:
Advisor Uses Index to Help Predict Client Behavior
Financial Advisor Magazine: This advisory firm is tapping into the instinctual behavior of clients to help them reach financial goals using the Kolbe Index
Kolbe Corp Tackles Problem of Divorce in America
AZ Business Magazine: After 40 years of helping companies assess innate strengths, Kolbe Corp is expanding its expertise on human behavior to help couples improve personal relationships with Takes Two®, a customized relationship guide for couples.
BOOK REVIEW: Why it’s important to have a best friend at work
To assist in selecting the right person, Hallowell offers a useful do-it-yourself interview questionnaire. (But then you probably have access to one of these.) Far more interesting is his introduction to a less-known insight – your employees’ ‘conative’ style.
Amy Bruske provides tips and tricks for skipping “good advice”
Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce: She furthered explained that often times people absorb pieces of advice that don’t really apply to their natural talents or their roles. “Good advice gone bad is what happens when well-intentioned good advice doesn’t work for you,” Bruske
Demistifying Millennials
Arizona Originals (podcast): This week we spend a few moments with David on the topic of millennials and the multi-generational workforce. He shares some common-sense insights which demystify what many make out to be complex and potentially counterproductive.
USA Today: 6 Retirement Goals for People in their 20s
“Walker also recommends using tools such as the Kolbe Corp. assessments or the Gallup StrengthsFinder. “For those in their 20’s I suggest certain diagnostics to help them see … what their talents are, so they know how to chart a path that will give them meaning and purpose,” he says.”
How to Find Yourself at Work
joshhuizing.com: If you get bored or tired easily at your job, it’s probably because you are working against your natural instincts. You are stuck doing tasks that suck away your energy. You are working against your grain.
Achieving Next-Level Productivity Through Conative Understanding w/ David Kolbe
Asianefficiency.com: Do you ever feel like things are harder than they should be? Then today’s episode about conative productivity is for you.
A Guide for Sustaining Great Family Businesses
SimonAssociates.net: At SAMC, we know a lot about family firms and do a lot of work in this arena. Did you know that almost 80% of the businesses in the U.S. are owned and run by families? That’s why we are thrilled to have Amy Bruske on our On the Brink podcast, an expert in helping family businesses thrive over time.
How to Work with Family Members in a Sustainable Way, Find a “Right Fit” when Hiring
GrowthtoFreedom.com: Amy K. Bruske joins Dan Kuschell to talk about how to work with family members in a sustainable way and how to find the RightFit™ when hiring.
Instincts at Work
Why would you put a Square Peg in a Round Hole?
Improve Productivity Through Elimination of Conative Conflict
Kolbe Corp EVP Frank Reid analyzes how conation can help with team building within the hotel industry.
Personality Assessments Give Advisors an Added Boost
Investor’s Business Daily explores how financial advisors are using assessment tools with new and existing clients to evaluate attitudes about risk, happiness, and money.
Measuring Instinct
Leigh Glenn explores how Kolbe solutions help financial advisors play up their strengths.
Business side: Measuring instincts
Kolbe CertifiedTM Consultant Michael Bossy explains how the Kolbe system can be applied in the agriculture industry.
Testing for Talent: An HR Case Study
How the Barnum Financial Group used the Kolbe assessments and reports to guide coaching, communications and teamwork.
Third Faculty of the Brain Discovered:
Evidence of a third faculty of the brain, the conative faculty, was announced at a conference for business, education, and government leaders from nine countries and 35 states, hosted by Kolbe Corp.
Kolbe A™ Index featured in The Wall Street Journal
WSJ Cranky Consumer contributor, Jane Hodges, addresses the question “Can Skill-Assessment Tests Identify Your Dream Job?” Published on 4/22/2010.
Kathy Kolbe speaks with Jim Blasingame, The Small Business Advocate, doing the work you are wired for – Aired on 2/9/2010.
Kolbe Wisdom™ featured in O, The Oprah Magazine
O magazine columnist, Dr. Martha Beck, discusses how to use the Kolbe Wisdom system in the January 2010 edition.
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