Kolbe Indexes / Assessments
Kolbe Indexes are fun and easy to complete online in less than 20 minutes. They are different from other self assessments because they don’t measure how smart you are (thinking) or what your personality is like (feeling). Rather, Kolbe Indexes measure how you naturally DO things.
Backed by more than 30 years of research and practical applications, they provide an amazingly accurate map of an individual’s natural instincts, or modus operandi (M.O.). Index results are delivered dynamically online and are also available in a print version.
All reports currently require Adobe Flash Player.
Kolbe A™ Index
Kolbe A™ Index: a 36-question assessment designed to measure the conative faculty of the mind – the instinctive talents that drive the way a person takes action. The result, called the modus operandi (M.O.), is the innate method of operation that enables an individual to be productive. See sample.
Kolbe B™ Index
Kolbe B™ Index: a 24-question assessment that measures how a person views the functional demands of a specific job or position. The result identifies which talents are a natural fit for the job and how the job holder perceives the requirements for success in the role. See sample.
Kolbe C™ Index
Kolbe C™ Index: a 24-question assessment that measures a supervisor’s functional expectations of a specific position. The results help an individual job holder identify how an evaluator or peer believes a particular job needs to be done in order to achieve success. These are the ways the job holder is expected to take action regardless of skills, intelligence, or personality. One Kolbe C Index may be sufficient for a position held by several people. See sample.
Kolbe Y™ Index
Kolbe Y™ Index: an assessment similar to the Kolbe A Index but designed for young people with a 4th through 11th grade reading level. Online results include an audio explaining how a young person can use his or her instinctive capabilities to create effective solutions to problems.
Kolbe R™ Index
Kolbe R™ Index: a 36-question assessment that measures one person’s expectations of his or her spouse, parent, sibling or other person in a personal relationship.
Parent Guide
Use of the Parent Guide Report helps parents better understand their child’s talents and gain powerful suggestions for customizing parenting and communication techniques to fit their child’s unique method of operation (M.O.).

Kolbe MO+ Reports
Kolbe Financial MO+
Kolbe Financial MO+: a supplemental report to the Kolbe A Index that identifies ways an individual can use his or her instincts to make smarter decisions about money and finances. The FMO+ also outlines personalized paths to financial success and is an ideal starting point for a financial planning process. See sample.
Coaching Tools
Kolbe Commitment Clarifier®
Kolbe Commitment Clarifier®: an easy-to-use worksheet and Leader’s Guide that creates a process for fulfilling work and personal obligations. By analyzing tasks from the perspective of all three parts of the mind, the Commitment Clarifier helps busy professionals prioritize tasks, delegate specific responsibilities and establish clear goals. See sample and Leader’s Guide.
Kolbe Coaching Report
Kolbe Coaching Report: designed especially for managers and supervisors,details the best ways to manage and motivate someone by tapping into his or her unique instinctive talents or MO. See sample.
Comparisons booklet
Comparisons booklet: a guide to understanding and dealing with contrasts between the behaviors an individual would like to see in another person and the way that person really acts.
Kolbe Bottom Lines booklet
Kolbe Bottom Lines booklet: a pocket-sized reference guide to key concepts of the Kolbe System for use in understanding, interpreting and comparing Kolbe Index results. Also available as a mobile app and Kindle book.
Comparisons: A to A™
Comparisons: A to A™: provides an analysis of conative Strengths between two individuals with a customized report prepared for each of them. See sample.
Comparisons: A to B™
Comparisons: A to B™: provides summaries of Kolbe A and Kolbe B results and a Strain Analysis describing the current level of Strain (A vs B), along with customized strategies to increase efficiency. See sample.
Comparisons: A to C™
Comparisons: A to C™: provides summaries of Kolbe A and Kolbe C results and a Tension Analysis describing the current level of Tension (A vs C), along with customized strategies to alleviate it. See sample.
Comparisons: B to C™
Comparisons: B to C™: provides summaries of Kolbe B and Kolbe C results and an Alignment Analysis of the perceptions of the job-holder and a supervisor. See sample
Role Alignment Guide
This guide helps you to understand how an individual’s natural strengths align with their job and can be used throughout the Talent Lifecycle for:
- · Designing roles and on-boarding
- · Coaching for productivity and stress-reduction
- · Facilitating performance discussions and reviews
Includes: Strain (A vs B), Tension (A vs C), and Alignment (B vs C) analyses, and strategies for increasing each individual’s efficiency. See sample.
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